Mountain Solitude


Recently, I stood in this very spot and the Lord reminded me gently “I am with you.” After months of heartache, His tenderness brought tears to my eyes during a moment of solitude. In the frenzy of our responsibilities it’s so easy to forget to come away and rest. By the time we remember, we are dry and parched with nothing left to give. Solitude is sometimes the only place we can hear His still, soft voice and be filled.

Come away.

Fire Edge

I got married nine months ago and it’s taken me that long to return to blogging. I’m excited to be back especially since I’ve upgraded from an iPhone to a Sony A6000, woo hoo! 

Fire Edge is my submission for this week’s photo challenge. This scripture is where I got the idea for my blog so I’m including it for this photo:

“‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the Lord your God.’” Leviticus 23:22

Piano Harmony

This beautiful old piano sits in the Hotel Denver lobby in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.


Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.
1 Samuel 16:23 (NIV)

I love this verse, which demonstrates the power of music to calm our souls. Can’t we all testify to this in our own lives? I wonder how much depression could be lifted by listening to beautiful music and dancing to it…

Train Time

The prime time for train travel is long past but this clock at Denver’s Union Station keeps on ticking.  In days gone by, the station was plain and purely functional, but it was refurbished recently and is now gorgeous inside with an Art Deco design throughout. If you are in Denver, it’s a must see! For the Time photo challenge.


And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.
And it was so.”
Genesis 1:13-15

Vibrant Flower

The day before my wedding my Matron of Honor and I went to the Colorado State University Flower Trial Garden to gush over the blooms.  It was mid October but unseasonably warm so there were plenty of blossoms to ogle over. This one stood out for the Vibrant challenge. I also love the little critter who found a blushing pink petal to perch upon. Now that we’ve been married three months, I hope to find more time to blog and read your posts!



I lie down at night and fall asleep. I awake in the morning—healthy, strong, vibrant—because the Eternal supports me.
Psalm 3:5

Deb and me

Deb and me at the Trial Garden


Vail In A Blur

Vail, Colorado as we sped past on Interstate 70, which crosses the Rocky Mountains.


Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely,
just as God now knows me completely.
1st Corinthians 13:12 (NLT)

For the Blur Photo Challenge.